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Coy­ote Trails grand open­ing this week­end in Bothell

Join us this week­end, March 7th and 8th from 11am-5pm for the grand open­ing at Coy­ote Trails in Both­ell! Tour the ful­ly-fur­nished 2273 plan mod­el home and enter to win one of 12 gift bas­kets pro­vid­ed by Dwell Mort­gage.* The bas­kets include sev­er­al fun favors, like movie tick­ets and Whole Foods gift cards, so make sure to vis­it Coy­ote Trails this week­end.

Locat­ed near Lyn­nwood High School and served by the Edmonds School Dis­trict, Coy­ote Trails fea­tures 22 new sin­gle-fam­i­ly homes. This Both­ell com­mu­ni­ty offers 5 con­tem­po­rary floor plans rang­ing from 2,101 to 2,581 sq. ft, and is priced from the mid-$600s.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Heather and Elene today.

Heather Andrei­ni
John L. Scott Mill Creek

Elene Wahlin
John L. Scott Mill Creek

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Summit I & II Bothell mid $1.0Ms
Horizon I Covington low $800s
Sunlit Ridge Duvall high $900s
Edgewood Estates South Everett $900s
Fieldview Kent high $700s

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