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Final home avail­able at Rock Creek in Marysville

2273 plan on home site 41 offered at $462,950

There is still a final oppor­tu­ni­ty to live at Rock Creek Estates in Marysville! This estab­lished neigh­bor­hood boasts a quick com­mute to High­way 9 and easy access to the best of what north Puget Sound has to offer.

Our pop­u­lar 2273 Plan on home site 41 is avail­able to move into by the hol­i­days! Fenc­ing, blinds, stain­less steel Whirlpool appli­ances, and a garage door open­er with key­less entry are all includ­ed! Vis­it Rock Creek Estates today for a tour!

Rock Creek Estates is open dai­ly from 11am to 5pm. 

Mar­lene Rouleau
Win­der­mere Real Estate/​Northwest, Inc — Monroe
(206) 4096041

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