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Intro­duc­ing our new home­own­er refer­ral program

Refer some­one you know to Hill­crest or Green­view Estates by Har­bour Homes, and get a $1,000 gift card once they close on their new home. The home­own­er you refer will receive a $1,000 cred­it to use toward their clos­ing costs.*

Bring your fam­i­ly and friends to tour one of our mod­el homes to help them find their future home today!

*A refer­ral form must be pre­sent­ed with an offer to receive gift card and clos­ing cost cred­it – please ask agent for com­plete details. Refer­ral pro­gram only avail­able at Green­view Estates and Hill­crest neighborhoods.

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Where Harbour Homes builds

Neighborhood City Priced from
Summit I & II Bothell mid $1.0Ms
Horizon I Covington low $800s
Sunlit Ridge Duvall high $900s
Edgewood Estates South Everett $900s
Fieldview Kent high $700s

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