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Mod­el home grand open­ing April 13th & 14th, 11am — 5pm!

Join us on April 13th and 14th from 11 AM5 PM for a tour of our beau­ti­ful plan 2473 mod­el home at Edge­wood Estates in Everett. 

The first 25 groups each day will receive a $10 Star­bucks gift card.* Com­pli­men­ta­ry snacks and lenders are avail­able for in-per­son loan pre-approvals.

Edge­wood Estates is locat­ed at 12029 25th Ave SE Everett, set in a qui­et res­i­den­tial neigh­bor­hood. Four dis­tinct two-sto­ry mod­ern farm­house plans offer a high lev­el of includ­ed fea­tures and range from 1,907 to 2,703 square feet. See why so many buy­ers have already cho­sen Edge­wood Estates as home.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Heather and Elene today.

Com­mu­ni­ty List­ing Bro­kers
Heather Andrei­ni
John L. Scott Mill Creek

Elene Wahlin
John L. Scott Mill Creek

*One Star­bucks card per group, up to 25 cards per week­end day.

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Where Harbour Homes builds

Neighborhood City Priced from
Summit I & II Bothell mid $1.0Ms
Horizon I Covington low $800s
Sunlit Ridge Duvall high $900s
Edgewood Estates South Everett $900s
Fieldview Kent high $700s

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