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Pre­view the Glac­i­er mod­el home Valen­tine’s Day weekend

Join us for the sneak pre­view of the Glac­i­er mod­el home Feb­ru­ary 15th and 16th from 11 am — 5 pm! Tour the ful­ly-fur­nished 2,273 sq. ft. plan and enjoy choco­lates pro­vid­ed in hon­or of Valen­tine’s Day week­end. Glac­i­er fea­tures 20 new sin­gle-fam­i­ly homes locat­ed in the heart of Cov­ing­ton. Sur­round­ed by parks and recre­ation, Glac­i­er is a short walk across the street from Friend­ship Park and is a quick dri­ve from both Soos Creek Park and Lake Merid­i­an Park.

Glac­i­er offers 5 floor plans rang­ing from 2,101 — 2,811 sq. ft., and is priced from the mid $500s. Join the inter­est list to stay up-to-date on pric­ing, future releas­es, and infor­ma­tion about the mod­el home grand opening!

For more infor­ma­tion con­tact Joan today.

Joan Posanke
John L. Scott — Kent North

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Summit I & II Bothell mid $1.0Ms
Horizon I Covington low $800s
Sunlit Ridge Duvall high $900s
Edgewood Estates South Everett $900s
Fieldview Kent high $700s

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