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Sea­hawks tick­ets draw­ing at Rock Creek Estates

Seahawks StadiumHar­bour Homes is giv­ing away 2 Sea­hawks tick­ets for the Decem­ber 15th game against the Rams at Cen­tu­ry Link Field.

Sim­ply enter the draw­ing at Rock Creek Estates in Marysville by vis­it­ing the mod­el home dur­ing the month of Novem­ber and fill out a reg­is­tra­tion card. Lim­it of one card per vis­it, how­ev­er, there is no lim­it on repeat­ed vis­its and entries. No pur­chase is nec­es­sary and real estate bro­kers are wel­come to enter draw­ing as well!

The draw­ing for one win­ner will be held on Decem­ber 1st. Good luck and go Hawks!

Rock Creek Estates is open Thurs­day through Mon­day 11am to 5pm. Con­tact John Bark­er for more infor­ma­tion or to arrange a tour today!

John Bark­er
Win­der­mere Real Estate/​East, Inc.
(425) 8300241

*Must be 18 or old­er to enter. Repeat­ed vis­its and entries allowed. Lim­it one entry per house­hold per day. Both agents and prospec­tive buy­ers are eli­gi­ble to win. No pur­chase nec­es­sary. Draw­ing to be held on Decem­ber 12016.

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Sunlit Ridge Duvall high $900s
Edgewood Estates South Everett $900s
Fieldview Kent high $700s

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